Individually designed editions and single editions

Custom made necklace
Beaded Bead
BLUE, RED, BLACK AND SAND. This custom-made necklace stands out due to the variety of shapes, colours and materials of the necklace elements. The Kettenmacherin combined different beaded beads with Murano glass beads. Especially the color combination of cream, blue, black and red makes this necklace unique.

Custom made necklace
Beaded Bead
BLUE, BLACK, EMERALD AND YELLOW. Looking at this spherical necklace you can see the play with the color-and form richness of the tiny little beads. The color theme here is dark blue, royalblue, black, emerald and yellow. The name of the necklace is ” a bit of yellow”. Here a bit of yellow makes a big difference. The necklace shines with it. The yellow is a beautiful contrast to the more darker colors.Vertical and horizontal lines are a designing instrument.The structures on the surface are often changed, therefore they are very different.

Custom made necklace
Beaded Bead
BROWN, ORANGE AND GREEN. Diese Kette sticht gleich durch mehrere Gestaltungsmerkmale hervor: Die glatten, glänzenden Muranoglas-Perlen werden mit beperlten Kugeln verschiedener Formgebung und Gestaltung kombiniert. Dieser Gegensatz in Material und Form erzeugt eine Spannung, die durch die ästhetisch ansprechende Farbkombination aus braun, orange und grün noch intensiviert wird. Das von der Kettenmacherin handgefertigte Einzelstück wird somit zum Hingucker!